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Use Cases

Small-scale sustainable fishing: Space IoT at the service of authorities

Localization, monitoring, and alerts for fishing vessels with Kinéis connectivity and the CLS solution.

At a glance

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Illegal fishing, disregard for fishing zones, stock depletion... In the open sea, without the right tools, authorities struggle to locate and monitor fishing vessels.

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Thanks to Kinéis connectivity and the VMS solutions from its partner CLS, authorities receive real-time alerts and can accurately track fleets.

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Authorities can enforce fishing regulations, protect marine resources, and enhance the safety of fishermen at sea.

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With climate change, fish stocks are migrating, altering fishing zones, which leads to geopolitical conflicts and increases insecurity for traditional fishermen, who are forced to venture further.

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Small-scale fishermen represent about 90% of the global fishing population, both in terms of numbers and contribution to employment in the fishing industry. They account for approximately 50% of the total global fish catch for human consumption. Increasing focus is being placed on developing policies that support sustainable small-scale fisheries, particularly in terms of resource management, social protection, and equitable access to markets.

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Meters. Small-scale fisheries typically use boats that are less than 12 meters in length, often relying on traditional fishing methods. Many SSF (Small-Scale Fisheries) operate within a 12 nautical mile radius off the coast, focusing on coastal waters.

In many cases, they use traditional, non-motorized boats such as canoes or small motorized vessels.


Billion dollars. Small-scale fisheries generate significant economic value, although they are often underrepresented in official statistics. They contribute around 70 billion dollars annually to the global economy.

Despite their importance, small-scale fishermen often face poverty, with low incomes and limited access to social protection.

Tracking and monitoring small fishing vessels are crucial to prevent overfishing and ensure the sustainability of fish stocks. Although small-scale fishermen operate on a local scale, collectively they account for nearly half of the global fish catch for human consumption.

Without proper monitoring, these operations can contribute to the depletion of vulnerable species, disrupt marine ecosystems, and threaten the long-term availability of marine resources and the fishing economy.

In addition to managing fish stocks, monitoring small fishing vessels plays a key role in combating Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. While IUU fishing is often associated with larger industrial fleets, small-scale fishermen can also engage in activities that violate local or international regulations, either unintentionally or deliberately. This can include fishing in prohibited areas, exceeding catch limits, or using illegal gear. Without tracking systems in place, authorities face difficulties in enforcing laws.

Tracking small vessels also offers significant benefits for maritime safety. Many small-scale fishermen operate in challenging environments with limited access to advanced technologies or reliable weather forecasts. In case of an emergency, accident, or severe weather conditions, a vessel monitoring system can provide real-time information on the location of these boats, enabling faster search and rescue operations.

IoT troupeaux solutions


By using the Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) solution provided by our partner CLS, fisheries authorities can track the position, movements, and activity of fishing vessels. This technology is essential for maritime management, ensuring compliance with regulations and supporting the sustainability of fisheries and marine environments.

With Kinéis satellite connectivity, combined with IoT devices developed by CLS and their digital platform, when a fishing vessel is at sea, it can be tracked anywhere and at any time. The VMS device transmits vessel position data to Kinéis' nanosatellites, which are then automatically uploaded to the platform accessible by fleet managers or fisheries authorities, including fishermen.

Rigorous monitoring allows authorities to receive alerts about fisher safety, violations of geo-fenced areas, or suspicious IUU fishing activities, while ensuring regulatory compliance.

Thanks to spatial IoT, this tracking extends to the most remote areas across all oceans.

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Continuous monitoring of vessel trajectories and fishing zones.


Instant alerts received in case of danger and activation of the distress button integrated into the VMS device.

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Global satellite coverage, even offshore, where the GSM network no longer reaches.

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Over 40 years of expertise in fisheries management.

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The use of VMS technology for small-scale fishermen is essential for improving fisheries management.

By quickly collecting and analyzing data, authorities can gain insights into fishing patterns, locations, and catch volumes. This information enables more accurate assessments of fish stocks and better-informed decision-making regarding quotas, closure seasons, and marine protected areas.

The ability to monitor compliance with regulations allows for timely intervention when overfishing is detected or when fishermen enter prohibited areas. This promotes sustainable management of marine resources and ensures the long-term survival of fish populations for future generations.

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Les ressources marines et les stocks de poissons sont mieux protégés et les prises accessoires limitées. Les quotas sont plus faciles à définir.


Les informations reçues permettent aux autorités et aux gouvernements de mettre en place des politiques de gestion durable et réaliste des pêches.


La sécurité en mer pour les pêcheurs artisanaux est améliorée.

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Réduction de la pêche IUU. Lorsque les pêcheurs artisanaux savent que leurs déplacements sont suivis, cela encourage le respect de la réglementation.

Partner Product

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NEMO: the CLS solution

NEMO is an all-in-one system designed to monitor and protect artisanal fisheries. It offers global hybrid connectivity, using GPRS/IoT networks in coastal areas and automatically switching to Kinéis' satellite connectivity when the vessel moves out of terrestrial network range.

The services range from delivering collected and processed data to the CLS data center, integrating the data with the client's fisheries monitoring center, and providing access to the CLS web platform for data visualization, alert management, and custom analysis.

Kinéis IOT Satellite

À propos

Créé en 2018, Kinéis est un opérateur IoT satellitaire.

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