Our partnership with Actility

Actility is a world leader in Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN) industrial-grade connectivity solutions for the Internet of Things. The company provides its ThingPark™ platform and network technology to deploy, operate, and maintain public and private wireless IoT networks within a unified, scalable, and versatile network infrastructure.

Furthermore, the vast majority of nationwide LoRaWAN® network service providers (over 50) and hundreds of companies trust ThingPark™ all over the world. Through its subsidiary Abeeway, Actility also provides patented ultra-low power tracking solutions. ThingPark Market offers the largest selection of interoperable IoT gateways, devices, and applications to simplify and accelerate the deployment of use cases.

Our collaboration

This partnership provides a ready-to-use platform to manage hybrid connectivity and all the required integration to application platforms. The data can then flow into many of the major cloud IoT platforms connected to Actility’sThingPark – Microsoft Azure, AWS IoT Core, IBM Watson, Google CloudIoT, and PTCThingworx.

By getting integrated with the ThingPark Exhange ecosystem, Kinéis makes the satellite network coverage available to any terrestrial LoRaWAN network provider, public or private.


« Actility is very excited to have interconnected Kinéis satellite network into ThingPark LoRaWAN infrastructure via the ThingPark RAN Connector making it available for the ever-growing set of terrestrial networks around the world via ThingPark Exchange. We believe Massive IoT can only be achieved through the successful integration of multiple technologies by industry collaboration. We are very happy to have achieved a good example of this together with our partner Kinéis. »

lper Yegin, VP of Advanced Technology Development at Actility, and Vice-Chair of the LoRa Alliance 



Actility platform

IoT display interface

Kinéis IOT Satellite

À propos

Créé en 2018, Kinéis est un opérateur IoT satellitaire.

© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023

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11, rue Hermès
31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

05 61 39 47 00

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