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About Us

Founded in 2018, Kinéis is a new French space actor, satellite operator and global connectivity provider for the Internet of Things (IoT) & Automatic Identification System ((AIS).
Its vision is helping customers to keep a link with what matters to them, they guarantee the transmission of connected objects' data connected, in any point of the globe thanks to a constellation of 25 satellites.
Kinéis operates for an international market in fields where the stakes are high for people, their activities and their environment.
The Toulouse-based company uses a reliable technology thanks to the 40 years of heritage of expertise in the data collection from space, adapted for the IoT.
In addition to its main shareholders (CLS and CNES), Kinéis raised 100 million euros in 2020 and is listed on label French Tech Next40, promotions 2021, 2022, and French Tech 120, promotion 2023, focused on environmental and societal issues.
Kinéis satellite IoT connectivity inherits from the ARGOS system, which started in 1978 as a French American cooperation involving CNES (French Space Agency) and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), with support from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
- In 1986, CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites) is created by CNES as a subsidiary to exclusively operate, maintain and commercialize the ARGOS system.
- In 2006, Eumetsat (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) joins the Operations Committee, later followed by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization).
- In 2018, Kinéis is created by CLS and CNES to take over the operation of the ARGOS system.
Our establishment

Our vision
Kinéis believes that providing easy and global access to useful satellite data will simplify and expand the uses of professionals. Kinéis is developing cutting-edge technology that it hopes to make available to everyone.
Our values

Satellite connectivity available everywhere on Earth, in near real-time, and accessible to all.

The unprecedented deployment of the first European constellation dedicated to the Internet of Things.

A 100% French manufacturing of the Kinéis constellation. Personalized support for our clients and partners in utilizing our technology.

French innovation in IoT and space technology, addressing critical global challenges.
Men and women
Kinéis are men and women who are passionate about spatial technologies and want to help the international community.

Our board
Kinéis is based on an unprecedented, solid and coherent public-private capital structure. Space industrialists working on the constellation and financial partners have joined forces with CLS, which is at the origin of the project supported by two strategic players, CNES and Bpifrance, via the SPI fund.

About us
Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.
© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023
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31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne
+ 33 5 61 39 47 00
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