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Liftoff of the 4th mission "IoT 4 You and Me" starting February 4

IoT 4 you and me

After three successful launches in 2024, Kinéis kicks off 2025 with another major milestone: the "IoT 4 You and Me" mission. This fourth launch is scheduled for February 4 at 9:43 AM (New Zealand time).

Once again, it will be the ocean-based rocket launcher Rocket Lab carrying out the launch from the Mahia Peninsula.

A constellation soon to be complete

Under the cap of the Electron rocket, five nanosatellites will strengthen the Kinéis constellation, dedicated to IoT and AIS solutions. With nearly 20 satellites in orbit out of the 25 planned, the constellation is nearing completion.

Once deployed, it will provide global coverage, enabling location tracking, monitoring, and alerts within just a few minutes, anywhere on Earth.

"IoT 4 You and Me": A mission with purpose

mission patch IoT 4 you and me

Named "IoT 4 You and Me", this mission is inspired by Michael Jackson's famous song Heal the World, which calls for unity and solidarity to build a better world.

Through its satellite connectivity, Kinéis addresses major challenges of our time.

In the spirit of Michael Jackson's iconic lyrics: "Let’s make this world a better place, for you, for me, and for all living beings," Kinéis is committed to connecting the world, for you and for what matters most to you.

Follow the mission live

3The launch window is scheduled to open on February 4, local time in New Zealand, with a two-week launch period. Here are the corresponding times for key time zones:

  • 9:43 PM, February 3 (CEST)
  • 8:43 PM, February 3 (UTC)
  • 9:43 AM, February 4 (NZDT)

Weather conditions, such as winds or other external factors, may influence the exact launch date.

To stay updated and follow the event live, visit our social media channels or check out our dedicated launch page.

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Kinéis IOT Satellite

About us

Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023

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11, rue Hermès
31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

+ 33 5 61 39 47 00

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