Kinéis at the 2023 Forum innovation défense

Kinéis is gearing up to make its presence known at the 4th Forum innovation défense (FID) scheduled to take place from November 23rd to 25th at Paris, Porte de Versailles.
This event, organized by the Ministry of the Armed Forces with the support of the Defense Innovation Agency (AID), provides a privileged platform for sector players to showcase their innovative projects to professionals and the general public.
Kinéis will stand alongside the Air and Space Army's Space Command (CDE) at the AID pavilion to unveil the promising prospects of its satellite connectivity system tailored for the Internet of Things (IoT), specifically designed to meet security and defense needs.
Kinéis' involvement in the defense domain extends to collaborating with institutions and industrial players to identify and address operational issues. The goal is to offer comprehensive, sovereign, and resilient solutions to tackle strategic challenges in high-intensity conflict scenarios.
Since its inception in 2019, the CDE has played a pivotal role in implementing the French defense space strategy. Working closely with various stakeholders, it contributes to defining military space policy and oversees military space operations.
Kinéis remains a preferred partner of the CDE by identifying innovative technologies and future communication methods to be deployed in upcoming CDE missions.
Due to the characteristics of its constellation, providing near-real-time and bidirectional communications between terminals and satellites, as well as optimal data security, Kinéis is perfectly positioned to meet the fundamental needs of the CDE. Its IoT-based spatial connectivity offers three primary applications in terrestrial, aeronautical, maritime, internal security, civil protection, and logistics domains: geographical tracking and equipment localization, surveillance and anomaly detection, as well as triggering alerts for internal security and civil protection.
Other Kinéis events: Metstrade exhibition

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Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.
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