High Five: Complete constellation, mission accomplished!

We are pleased to announce the success of our 5th and final mission "High Five." On March 18 at 2:31 AM (French time), our 5 nanosatellites launched aboard the Electron rocket.
Thanks to the precision of our launch partner Rocket Lab, they reached their orbit and will soon join the 20 satellites already in operation.
Constellation deployed!
217 days - 5 missions  - 25 nanosatellites.
Only 9 months after our first launch "No Time Toulouse", the Kinéis constellation is now complete. This human and technological achievement marks an important milestone for global satellite connectivity dedicated to IoT and AIS.
This success is the result of exceptional teamwork. A big thank you to our industrial and financial partners: BNP Paribas Développement, Bpifrance, Cegedim, CELAD, CLS, Cobham, Comat, CNES, Erems, Exail, Heméria, Safran, Scalian, Sodern, Steel Electronique, Syrlinks, and Thales Alenia Space.
15 minutes max, from dream to reality
The space adventure is coming to an end, but a new chapter begins. Starting June 1, our satellite network dedicated to IoT and AIS will officially be operational. Our promise: to provide you with key information in less than 15 minutes, a major asset for optimizing your decision-making.
- Detect a fire outbreak before it becomes uncontrollable,
- Track a delivery to the most remote corners of the planet,
- Monitor the condition of your critical infrastructure, such as your power pylons,
- Precisely locate a ship, wherever it may be.
Together, let's keep in touch to what matters to you - everywhere, all the time.

Ă€ propos
Créé en 2018, Kinéis est un opérateur IoT satellitaire.
© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023
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