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IoT for monitoring high-voltage power lines

Infrastructures networks & IoT: Discover how Kinéis is transforming the monitoring of high-voltage lines for enhanced safety and efficiency in the electricity sector.

At a glance

IoT troupeaux animaux chat


Monitoring and maintaining electrical infrastructure is costly. High-voltage towers and lines, often isolated and difficult to access, lack connectivity.

IoT troupeaux solutions


The IoT offers a universal connectivity solution, facilitating the monitoring of electrical infrastructures and adapting to changes in the sector's uses and regulations.

IoT troupeaux animaux impacts


Thanks to Kinéis' connectivity, unconnected zones disappear, enabling increased surveillance of electrical infrastructures, synonymous with efficiency and safety.

IoT troupeaux animaux chat


The monitoring and maintenance of electrical infrastructures, such as towers and high-voltage lines, are costly and complex operations due to their often remote and difficult-to-access locations. These infrastructures suffer from a lack of connectivity, making them even more challenging to monitor.

Energy suppliers and distributors face a number of environmental, safety, and performance challenges against the backdrop of the energy transition, the digital revolution, and the opening up of competition. The transition from centralized to decentralized, two-way management accentuates these challenges, particularly in terms of integrating renewable energies, electric mobility and optimizing consumption.

With “Smart Grids”, the use of information and communication technologies for better infrastructure operation is becoming crucial. However, current solutions such as radio, fiber optics and cellular networks are often costly and insufficiently reliable, especially in rural and remote areas.

IoT troupeaux animaux wifi

The region's most in need of digitization lack terrestrial coverage, making deployment difficult both economically and technically.

IoT infrastructures réseaux text

Infrastructures are exposed to increasingly frequent climatic hazards all over the world.

IoT infrastructures réseaux foudre

The growing electrification of applications is a significant challenge for electricity transmission companies.

IoT troupeaux solutions


The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the monitoring of electrical infrastructures.

Equipped with sensors, pylons can transmit valuable data such as the inclination of poles and power lines, the measurement of mechanical tension, currents and temperatures, or the analysis of vibrations. This makes it possible to detect and geolocate faults in real-time, facilitating rapid and effective intervention by maintenance teams.

However, this opportunity is hampered by limited deployment: terrestrial networks cover only 15% of the globe.

By coupling these IoT devices with Kinéis satellite connectivity, infrastructure monitoring and malfunction alerts are possible 24 hours a day, even in areas not covered by terrestrial connection.

In addition, our connectivity meets the needs of cybersecurity and sovereignty, which are common in the power transmission and distribution sector.

IoT tracking boats sat

Spatial IoT paves the way for a new generation of products that can be deployed without worrying about connectivity.

IoT infrastructures réseaux loupe

The transmission of automatic alerts enables increased monitoring and rapid intervention in the event of anomalies.

IoT infrastructures réseaux circuit

Electrical networks' security and integrity are enhanced, even in the most remote and inaccessible parts of the world.

IoT to Track 24/7

Data exchanges are encrypted and secure to guarantee the availability of accurate, reliable information 24/7.

IoT troupeaux animaux impacts


Integrating IoT and spatial connectivity into electrical infrastructure monitoring offers many advantages:

Reactivity and proactivity: Real-time detection of faults and anomalies enables more efficient management of power networks, reducing maintenance costs and extending infrastructure lifespan.

Safety and reliability: Continuous monitoring ensures a safe, reliable supply of electricity, protecting facilities against weather hazards and man-made incidents.

Expansion and modernization: The ability to monitor even the most remote areas opens up opportunities for the expansion of power grids, stimulating economic growth.

Predictability and optimization: Thanks to early detection, field operatives can be informed of conditions and incidents in near-real time, avoiding disruption for the end customer.

Environmental compliance: This modernization aligns with current environmental requirements, facilitating the integration of renewable energies and thus contributing to a sustainable energy future.

IoT réseaux infrastructures chrono tirelire

Real-time detection of anomalies means faster management and reduced maintenance costs.


Continuous monitoring protects infrastructures against climatic risks and human incidents.

Internet des objets environnement

Spatial IoT extends power grids into remote areas, stimulating the economy and securing the future of energy.

Kinéis' adoption of IoT and satellite connectivity is revolutionizing power infrastructure monitoring with reliable, innovative solutions tailored to today's challenges. This approach ensures more efficient and secure management of power grids while promoting sustainable and resilient energy development.

Use cases

Track, Monitor & Be Alerted




Kinéis IOT Satellite

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Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

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31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

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