Space AIS Data

kinéis maritime

What is S-AIS?

AIS (Automatic Identification System): a VHF radio ship-to-ship message exchange system that allows ships and surveillance systems to know the identity, status, position and course of the different vessels at sea.

AIS transponders automatically broadcast key information from maritime vessels by radio to other vessels and ports. Kinéis is an S-AIS (satellite AIS) data provider and works with its partners that provide added value services based on these data.

Why is it complementary
to terrestrial AIS?

The short range of AIS terrestrial signals limits its utility to coastal areas and vessel to vessel collision avoidance. In complement to AIS terrestrial signals, Kinéis provides a high-performance S-AIS service via its satellites and without any infrastructure required on the ground. This permits the collection of AIS messages from maritime vessels, enabling vessel monitoring worldwide, in near real-time. This includes international waters non accessible by terrestrial AIS.

Why choose Kinéis?

Kinéis offers a high-performance service that provides the most reliable S-AIS data on the market, 24/7, even in high-traffic areas, to keep track of all maritime activities worldwide.

kinéis bateau

Detection of Category A ships up to 100% in dense areas

Kinéis AIS’ solution provides a high-performance system which includes cutting-edge technology with multi antenna to manage colliding AIS Signals. This allows you to receive AIS messages, even from dense areas such as Southeast Asia or the Mediterranean Sea making Kinéis the entity with the best detection rate of the market for vessels in dense areas.

kinéis antispoofing

Anti-spoofing functionality

Our anti-spoofing functionality allows the control of the GPS position of a vessel and the calculation of an independent localization via our constellation.

This permits an integral monitoring of the position provided, even if the AIS message does not include valid or correct GPS data.

AIS: an infinity of applications

ais kinéis defense

Defense and Security

Our real-time maritime data helps in smarter decision making.

Maritime data also empowers authorities in risk and vulnerability, in rescue at sea and in managing the traffic.

ais kinéis ship

Detection of suspicious behaviors

Our data helps to establish protection measures against illegal fishing and can also help in the surveillance of clandestine migration, transshipment and smuggled products or hydrocarbon deballasting. The S-AIS data also helps in preserving ecosystems and identifying breaches in protected or sensitive areas.

IoT transport logistique kineis

Fleet management and supply chain

S-AIS data is crucial in running an efficient fleet and ensuring the safety of crew and vessel, as well as in minimizing the impact of supply chain disruptions by monitoring logistics flows.

kinéis data

Analysis of maritime data

Whether you need global data on the world’s shipping and cargo location for financial analysis, scientific data or data for litigation management (insurance), S-AIS can provide essential information for these uses.

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technologie Kinéis Sat

Who is Kinéis?

Founded in 2018, Kinéis is a new French space actor, satellite operator and global connectivity provider for the Internet of Things (IoT). Its vision is to help customers stay linked with what matters to them, by guaranteeing the transmission of data from their connected objects, at any point on the globe thanks to a constellation of 25 nanosatellites.

Kinéis operates for an international market in fields where the stakes are high for people, their activities and their environment.

The Toulouse-based company uses a reliable technology thanks to the 40 years heritage of expertise in the data collection since space, adapted for the IoT.

In addition to its main shareholders (CLS and CNES), Kinéis raised 100 million euros in 2020 and obtained the French Tech Next40 label, promotions 2021, 2022, and French Tech 120, promotion 2023, focused on environmental and societal issues.

Kinéis IOT Satellite

About us

Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023

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Contact us

11, rue Hermès
31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

+ 33 5 61 39 47 00


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