Press visit: behind the scenes of Kinéis nanosatellites production

fabrication nanosatellites Kinéis _ visite presse

The Behind-the-Scenes of Kineis Constellation Production Revealed

On March 7th, Kineis opened the doors of its partner, Hemeria, to the media, institutions, and its collaborators. The objective was to unveil the stages of the production of Kineis nanosatellites, heralding a revolution in the French space domain.

The visit commenced with a speech by Alexandre Tisserant, our president, followed by remarks from Caroline Laurent, Director of Orbital Systems and Applications at CNES, and Nicolas Multan, CEO of Hemeria. Guests had the privilege of touring Hemeria's cleanroom, where the 25 nanosatellites composing the Kineis constellation are manufactured. The first launch is scheduled for this summer from New Zealand between June 10th and July 9th.

Numerous media outlets, partners, and institutions responded to our invitation, including Cobham, Comat, Thales Alenia Space, BpiFrance, Syrlinks, Région Occitanie, Toulouse Métropole, La Tribune, France 3 Occitanie, L’Usine Nouvelle, and the Cité de l’Espace.

This visit highlighted the 100% French know-how of our teams and industrial partners, as well as our financial supporters who have backed us since the 100 million euros fundraising 4 years ago.

Nanosatellite Industrialization: Kineis Revolutionizes the French Space Ecosystem

In the context of this industrialization phase, Alexandre Tisserant stated:

"The mass production of the 25 nanosatellites in the Kineis constellation represents a significant additional step in realizing our project. It is a milestone in the history of French space and a crucial point in the new economic model of this evolving ecosystem."

Thanks to our partners, leading lights of the French space industry, Kineis achieves the feat of producing 25 nanosatellites in 6/7 months. Hemeria, at the heart of this technological feat, maintains a relentless pace by ensuring the release of a satellite every 9 weeks. A new 250 m² cleanroom dedicated to the assembly, integration, and testing of nanosatellites was specifically designed by Hemeria to meet the project's needs.

Nicolas Multan, CEO of Hemeria, adds:

"The mass production of 25 complex and reliable smallsats has been an unprecedented challenge for the French New Space ecosystem. Therefore, Hemeria is equipped with a functional and sustainable assembly line, putting us in the best position for the challenges of future constellations."

A Concentrate of Innovative Technology

The Kineis nanosatellites, a result of the miniaturization of electronic components in the French space industry, offer performances equivalent to traditional satellites while significantly optimizing costs and production times.

salle blanche fabrication nanosatellites

The design of the Kineis system, a result of this miniaturization, represents a revolution for satellite IoT by connecting every object worldwide, transmitting quasi-real-time data at low speeds with low energy consumption. The uniqueness of the Kineis constellation lies in its minimization of spatial clutter and its positioning in a low Earth orbit at 650 km, unlike other existing satellite constellations.

Kinéis IOT Satellite

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Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

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31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

+ 33 5 61 39 47 00

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