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What you’re already using without knowing it: IoT explained simply

The major advantage of satellite IoT is that it allows connected objects to transmit their data from anywhere on the globe.
high five Kineis

High Five: complete constellation, mission accomplished!

Success of our 5th and final mission 'High Five'. On March 18, our 5 nanosatellites launched aboard the Electron rocket. Thanks to the precision of our launch partner Rocket Lab, they reached their orbit and will soon join the 20 satellites already in operation.
high five mission

High Five: 5th and final launch imminent!

The 5 nanosatellites of Mission V "High Five" are ready for launch – the finalization of the constellation deployment is now imminent!

The 5 nanosatellites from the 4th “IoT 4 You & Me” launch are in orbit!

Saturday, February 8, 9:43 PM CET. The 5 nanosatellites from Kinéis' 4th mission, titled "IoT 4 You & Me," launched aboard Rocket Lab's Electron rocket from New Zealand.
IoT 4 you and me

Liftoff of the 4th mission “IoT 4 You and Me” starting February 4

After three successful launches in 2024, Kinéis begins 2025 with another major milestone: the "IoT 4 You and Me" mission. This fourth launch is scheduled for February 4 at 9:43 AM (New Zealand time).
mission 3 success

Success of the 3rd mission “Ice AIS Baby”: A step closer to global IoT and S-AIS coverage

On November 25, 2024, at 4:55 AM Paris time, Kinéis reached a significant milestone in the deployment of its nanosatellite constellation with the successful launch of the "Ice AIS Baby" mission.

How satellite connectivity optimizes industrial IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a digital revolution that bears no name. Thanks to satellites, connected objects and their sensors, we can now retrieve precious data from these objects and use it in industry too, to monitor production systems, anticipate…
mission 3 slot

Imminent Takeoff for the 3rd Ice AIS Baby Mission

Only two months after the success of its 2nd launch, Kinéis is accelerating the deployment of the first European constellation dedicated to AIS and IoT. With 5 new satellites ready to join space, the 3rd mission, named Ice AIS Baby, pays tribute to the AIS mission. Kinéis thus advances toward its ambition to connect what matters, everywhere, all the time.
mission 2 success mini

Mission II Kinéis “Killed The RadIoT Star” Successful

On September 21st at 1:01 AM French time, space welcomed five new Kinéis nanosatellites, marking a crucial milestone in the deployment of the constellation. Launched from New Zealand, Rocket Lab once again demonstrated its reliability, ensuring the success of this second mission. With this successful launch, the Kinéis fleet now has ten satellites in orbit, significantly enhancing its operational capabilities.

Kinéis will be at SIDO 2024 in Lyon!

Kinéis is pleased to announce its participation in SIDO 2024, which will be held in Lyon on September 18th and 19th. Visit us at stand O213 to discover our satellite connectivity solutions.
mission 2 kineis

Mission II: 5 new satellites ready for launch on September

On September, the "Kinéis Killed the RadIoT Star" mission will lift off from the Māhia Peninsula in New Zealand, powered by Rocket Lab's microlauncher. With this second launch, Kinéis will have deployed 10 satellites out of a targeted 25, marking a crucial milestone in the deployment of global satellite connectivity.
kineis afac 2024

Kinéis at AFAC for wildfire management in Australia

Kinéis is thrilled to announce our inaugural participation at AFAC 2024, taking place from September 3rd to 6th in Sydney, Australia. This event, dedicated to wildfire and natural hazard management, presents a unique opportunity to showcase our satellite connectivity solutions. Join us at booth 539, in collaboration with Business France.
no time toulouse lancement

Success of the First Launch No Time Toulouse

On June 20th at exactly 8:13 PM, Kinéis reached a major milestone by successfully launching the first five nanosatellites, marking the beginning of the deployment of our IoT constellation of 25 nanosatellites.

Kinéis reaffirms its participation in Viva Tech 2024

Kinéis reaffirms its participation in Viva Tech 2024 For the second consecutive year, Kinéis will be in Paris to participate in the 8th edition of Viva Technology, the essential event for innovation and technology. This event, the largest in Europe dedicated to innovation, startups, and tech, will take place from May 22 to 25 at…

2024: Kinéis’ space olympiad

Kinéis’ space olympiad With the first of five launches approaching between June 10 and July 9, 2024, Kinéis is preparing itself for its most crucial and memorable year yet. 2024, the year when the project finally comes to fruition, just four years (an Olympiad) after the…
industrialisation mission II

Kinéis nanosatellites : « Size doesn’t matter! »

Kinéis nanosatellites : “Size doesn’t matter!” In the summer of 2024, Kinéis, a French satellite operator and provider of global connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT), will launch its constellation of 25 nanosatellites, the first European constellation dedicated to the IoT with global coverage.…
fabrication nanosatellites Kinéis _ visite presse

Press visit: behind the scenes of Kinéis nanosatellites production

Le 7 mars dernier, Kinéis a ouvert les portes de son partenaire, Hemeria, aux médias, institutionnels et à ses partenaires. L'objectif : dévoiler les étapes de la production des nanosatellites Kinéis, qui annoncent une révolution dans le domaine spatial français.

The young artists from “Ton dessin dans l’espace” visit Hemeria

In late 2022, Kinéis and the Cité de l'Espace launched a national drawing competition, encouraging young people aged 6 to 17 to explore the theme of "satellites for a better understanding and protection of the Earth." Nearly 200 drawings were submitted, and the jury selected 15 artworks.

What is a satellite constellation?

We’re all familiar with the Ursa Major and Orion constellations. However did you know that they’re not the only type of constellation in existence? With the emergence of the New Space era, different types of space missions have emerged, whether for…
kinéis fenetre tir lancement

Announcing the first launch in 2024!

Announcing the first launch in 2024! Kinéis has just announced the launch window for the first of five launches of its revolutionary nanosatellites dedicated to the Internet of Things. Scheduled to take place between June 10 and July 9, 2024, this event marks a crucial milestone in the development of the Kinéis system. A revolution…
Kinéis IOT Satellite

About us

Created in 2018, Kinéis is a satellite IoT operator.

© kineis - IoT everywhere - 2023

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Contact us

11, rue Hermès
31520 Ramonville-Saint-Agne

+ 33 5 61 39 47 00

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